2.0 Specification
For all the details and information on RSS 2.0 there is only once place to turn
Introduction to RSS
For a introduction to what is RSS, and how it works you should read this
RSS History
All the information on how RSS has advanced, changed and improved over the past 6 years
A BDN Guide to RSS
Borland knows the importance of RSS and have published a guide with everything you need to know
Borland Developer Network
The number one website containing information, details and news needed by Borland developers
Delphi Homepage
Delphi's little page on the web
Delphi Updates
Delphi updates are required for perfect development and there is one place to get it
Borland Newsgroups
For meeting and discussing with other Delphi developers there is one way and one place to do it
RSS Feed Applications
FeedReader is a great RSS feed reading application written in Delphi, which is open source and even is hosted on SourceForge
Legal Mumbo Jumbo
Creative Commons Attribuation Licence 2.0
SimpleRSS website is licenced this
Gnu Lesser General Public Licence
SimpleRSS is licenced under this